Wednesday, October 28, 2009

3 months

Well, another month has flown by! Liam continues to grow and change everyday. He continues to smile and talk to us a lot and is such a happy boy! This month he learned to pout by sticking his bottom lip out, though he is usually pretty shortly smiling again after. Here is a video of Papi playing with him, where he goes from pout to smile over and over. It is so funny! The video is taken from my cell phone so it isn't the best quality.

He has finally learned to suck his fingers this month and does so often. He still sleeps well at night (thankfully!) and had some great first adventures this month. His first Pumpkin Patch, first time in the ocean and a swimming pool, and his first time on an airplane! He is becoming more interactive with his toys and is now bringing them to his mouth to figure them out.

Here are a few photos from the past month...

I almost packed Liam in a box with all the confusion from our move, ha!

Playing with Uncle Josh:

Reunion of our birthing class:

We finally got to meet beautiful Emrie Griffith! :)

I'll also add blog entries for our trip to the Pumpkin Patch and our trip to St. Thomas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That video is PRECIOUS! hahaha