Sunday, October 12, 2008

We Have A Home Church!!!

Earlier this morning Cara and I made a decision that is just another piece of the changes we are making in our lives.  This morning we joined Destiny Worship Center, a Disciples of Christ church near our house.  That’s right folks… I am officially a DOC!!

Cara and I have been “dating” the church the past couple of months, as Pastor Ward says, and decided that we really wanted to join.  We called up both of our families and told them we were going to join and asked them to join us in church.  So when we got to church this morning we took up an entire pew. When it was time for invitation we got up from our seats and headed down the center aisle towards the altar.  As we passed each row and people noticed we were coming, they started to cheer.  When we made it to the front the men’s and women’s ministries surrounded us and the pastor welcomed us to the church.  It is something I will never forget.  This is the first time I have ever been an actual member of church and it feels pretty good.

For those of you that don’t know, I have not always been a guy who wanted to go to church.  I remember a time when my mother had to drag me into church kicking and screaming.  Those times are over.  Now I can’t wait until Sunday morning so I can sit in church and worship with my wife.  It is a great feeling and I am only sad that I didn’t find my way to this point sooner.

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